Sunday Times travel expert Richard Green responds: I'd say to avoid Kuta Beach, which is great fun for a day, but not for a week, and Nusa Dua, which in fencing out local people and culture from its enclave of bhotels/b, has rather passed b.../b
Daisy said she had gone on bvacation/b to another person's house that are friends with her peeps. She admitted that as a result of being away she has now become a little jealous of her person petting stranger dogs. b.../b
Wheeee! I can't even find information online on what to do with this crap. I'm afraid if I called the local authorities to ask, I'd get a visit from the men who don't exist. And I'm not interested in bvacationing/b in Cuba this year. b.../bbFinny/b --The pressure canner is really not necessary for things like tomatoes. What is IS necessary for are things like chicken broth and mulberry juice that are low in acid. I'm not sure how many quarts we'll get this year. b.../b